License Course MTM-SD

For the granting or extension of a teaching license for the training MTM-SD, the license course MTM-SD must be completed. For an MTM instructor, we generally recommend the teaching license MTM-1 as well as the corresponding teaching license for one or more higher aggregated process module systems.

The license training courses for MTM instructors should ensure that the MTM instructor renews his teaching license every three years and is informed about new developments.


Further course information

  • Knowledge of the location of MTM in productivity management
  • Information on further developments in teaching and application of the MTM process
  • Refreshing the MTM-1 knowledge
  • Getting to know new or further developed training course documents and teaching materials for the respective MTM process module system
  • Completion of a demonstration lesson
  • Refresher and intensive training in the respective process module system
  • Getting to know organizational and international developments
  • Unification of the international doctrine
  • Certificate of training MTM-SD
  • The participant is either in possession of an MTM instructor certificate or already has a valid "green card" with an instructional license for at least one process building block system.
  • Compulsory analyses in MTM-SD according to the specifications of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. (Alternatively, proof of at least five training courses in the respective process building block system within three years counts).
  • The company where the future instructor is employed as a dependent employee must be a member of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.

The participant

  • deepens his knowledge of the location of MTM in productivity management.
  • receives information on further developments in teaching and application of the MTM process.
  • renews his MTM-1 knowledge.
  • learns about new or further developed course materials and teaching aids for the respective MTM process module system.
  • completes a teaching trial.
  • undergoes an intensive training in the respective MTM Process Module System.


The respective training concludes with a written examination. In exceptional cases, an additional oral examination may be ordered by the examination board.

The passed examination forms the basis for the issue of a certificate and the granting or renewal of the teaching license for three years (proof with a "Green Card"). In the case of a failed examination, this will be communicated in a separate letter and a neutral certificate of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.


The webinar lasts 20 hours.

The management of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. can reduce the training duration depending on the number of participants to

    1 - 2 participants 8 hours.
    3 - 5 participants 16 hours.
    > 5 participants 20 hours.

When you book a training (or someone else books for you) you will always receive a participant code. Please redeem this code as soon as possible. 7 days before the start of the training, you will receive an email with all the concrete data about the training date - e.g. date and time of the test session, session times, link to the training documents and the course, ... You will only receive this email if you have redeemed your participant code beforehand.

The course will also be activated for you 7 days before the start of the training. You will then have access to the training material.

The webinar will be conducted via MS Teams. Please install the app on your computer, using the web version is less convenient.

Please ensure that your PC meets the following system requirements:

  • Windows: Microsoft Edge Chromium (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version); Internet Explorer is NOT recommended!
  • Mac: Safari (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version)
  • Mobile: Safari in Apple iOS 10 and higher, Google Chrome in Apple iOS 10 and higher, Google Chrome in Android OS 4.4 or higher.

We recommend using a headset to participate in each session.

Note on mobile devices:
Participation in this course is generally also possible with a tablet. Make sure you have a good Wi-Fi connection to prevent possible problems.

Please provide the compulsory analyses, a calculator, a pad and a pen for the training sessions.



Schedule Overview and Filter
Schedule Overview and Filter

Contact Person

Madlen Wiegand

Ms Madlen Wiegand

+49 40 822779-22
