Our internationally standardized training offer is divided into the categories MTM-Practitioner ("Blue Card" MTM), EAWS-Practitioner ("Blue Card" EAWS), MTM-Instructor ("Green Card" MTM), Customized training, Other trainings and Methods-Time Measurement for students. Within the category you will be shown all training courses and dates for obtaining the qualification (e.g. "Blue Card"). The right training format for everyone. To do this, use the filter and search specifically for e-learning, webinars or one-site attendance courses.
If you would like to browse our courses specifically sorted by dates, please click here: Event Schedule. You can find our data cards here.
Don't know which training is right for you or your company? Dr. Thomas Finsterbusch, head of the MTM Academy, will be happy to advise you.
MTM-1®, MTM-2®, MTM-UAS®, MTM-LOG® (logistics) , MTM-MEK®, MTM-SD®, MTM-HWD®, MTM-Easy®, MTMmotion® and EAWS® are registered Brands of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. All rights reserved.
Trial courses
Are you interested in MTM or EAWS training and would like to have a first look? Then book our "trial course" and immerse yourself in the MTM world of learning!
In the "trial course" you have the opportunity to get to know the different teaching elements (e.g. digital training documents, learning modules, software, etc.) of MTM.
In addition to the standardized training program (see Qualification procedure (APO)), the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. offers customer-specific workshops, primarily as in-house training. Content and duration of the workshops can be individually agreed with the customer. If your desired topic for a workshop is not listed here, please contact us.
Selected workshops will also be offered in the public area of the MTM Academy in the future. We will start with the "Introduction to MTM" offer, which is aimed at managers, works councils and decision-makers. This workshop provides a basic understanding of the MTM process language in order to be able to make the right decisions (e.g. on training, software application, introduction concept, works agreement, etc.) for a successful introduction and sustainable application.
Supplement: The training manuals from the standardized training program will not be distributed during the workshops.
Introduction to MTM
For the introduction and operational application of MTM, managers, works councils and decision makers need a basic understanding. In the workshop, the benefits of MTM will be made tangible by means of practical examples and reflected with regard to the own operational application.
Basics of Ergonomics
For the introduction and operational application of EAWS (Ergonomic Assessment Worksheet), managers, works councils and decision makers need a basic understanding. In the workshop will cover the basics and terminology of the ergonomic design of manual workflows, taking into account risk assessment and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This will be reflected upon using practical examples and with regard to their own operational application.
[Übersetzen] Prozessarchitektur
How can you optimize the costs and benefits of MTM application? In the workshop, we provide the basics and examples of how to build operational data structures in the different process types (mass production, batch production and one-of-a-kind and small batch production). Find out which approach to data structure is right for your application.
Become a productivity designer in your company - certified and recognized worldwide - with the "Blue Card". The MTM-Practitioner is the company's expert on the use of MTM. He masters the rule-compliant description and evaluation of manual work processes in at least one MTM process building block system, the recognition and quantification of design potential as well as the planning and implementation of improvement projects. The MTM-Practitioner is the guarantor for the rule-compliant application of MTM. He is the contact for works councils, employees and executives for the design of the MTM application in the company.
MTM-1 Base
The MTM-1 Base training teaches the basics of the MTM process language using the MTM-1 process building block system (MTM basic system). The qualification is the first step towards obtaining the MTM-Practitioner and MTM-Instructor qualification.
The MTM-1 training deepens knowledge of the MTM basic system. This is designed for modeling processes in mass production. It provides the highest process resolution and separate left and right hand description.
MTM-HWD (Human Work Design) is designed for modeling processes in volume and batch production and delivers four results with just one analysis: process description, time, ergonomics in connection with EAWS & productivity indicator eHPU.
MTM-SD (standard data) is designed for modeling processes in mass and batch production. Compared to MTM-1, it is characterized by a higher application speed.
MTM-2 is designed to model processes in mass and batch production and provides a separate description of the left and right hand.
MTM-UAS (Universal Analyzing System) is designed for modeling processes in batch production. It is characterized by few process building blocks and rules as well as a high application speed. MTM-UAS is the world's most frequently used MTM process building block system.
The MTM-Logistics Standard Operations are designed for the modeling of logistics processes. They are based on the MTM-UAS process building block system and can be learned in two ways.
MTM-MEK (MTM in One-of-a-Kind and Small Batch Production) is designed for modeling processes in One-of-a-Kind and Small Batch Production. The application is particularly recommended for non-cyclically recurring processes (e.g. maintenance, servicing and repair).
The MTM-Practitioner training is characterized by the application of the acquired expertise in the MTM process building block systems. Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, the participants work through an operational case study - from the ACTUAL to the TARGET - from the design idea to the economic proof.
MTM-Practitioner Refresher
The MTM-Practitioner Refresher course ensures that the MTM-Practitioner proves and renews his skills and knowledge in the rule-compliant application of an MTM process building block system every three years. With successful participation, the "Blue Card" is extended with all completed process building block systems.
Refreshing one’s Application Competence in one of the MTM Process Building Block Systems
The refresher training in one of the MTM process building block systems ensures that the participants renews his skills in and knowledge of the MTM application in one of the respective MTM process building block system (e.g. MTM-UAS). The perfect course for MTM users who are not in ownership of a "Blue Card".
The qualification to become an EAWS-Practitioner is aimed at clerks, specialists and managers from the fields of industrial engineering, planning, time management, work preparation, production, logistics, occupational safety and from product and equipment design as well as company doctors, safety specialists, representatives of the works council and various other other interest groups that are to carry out ergonomic analyzes or ergonomic assessments in their area of responsibility. It is also aimed at ergonomics officers and employees who create or assess ergonomic risk analyzes in the company as well as employees whose area of responsibility includes the design, optimization and/or restructuring of workplaces in the industrial environment.
EAWS (Ergonomic Assessment Worksheet) is designed to assess physical stress in volume and series production. It provides a risk score for the load categories posture, action forces, manual load handling, extra points, and repetitive loads on the upper extremities.
The EAWS-Practitioner training is characterized by the application of the acquired expertise in the EAWS evaluation process. Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, the participants work through an operational case study - from the ACTUAL to the TARGET - from the design idea to the economic proof.
EAWS-Practitioner refresher
The EAWS-Practitioner Refresher training ensures that the EAWS-Practitioner proves and renews his skills and knowledge in the rule-compliant application of EAWS every three years. With successful participation, the "Blue Card" is extended.
The instructor qualification trains teachers for the dissemination of the MTM and EAWS process and of ProKon. The instructor is an experienced practitioner. He also has didactic skills to pass on his knowledge and thus contributes to the dissemination of the methods. The instructor is the contact person for questions about the application and introduction of these methods in the company. The instructor qualification consists of a didactic and a subject-specific part.
MTM- und EAWS- Instructor
The MTM-Instructor training imparts skills for organizing and conducting MTM and EAWS training. Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, the participant is prepared for the implementation of a teaching unit and carries it out independently at the end of the training.
License Courses
The license courses for MTM-Instructors ensure that the MTM instructor proves and renews his skills and knowledge in teaching an MTM process building block system every three years. In addition, information is provided about didactic and technical innovations in teaching.
Further trainings
Would you like to deepen your knowledge of the MTM process? Here you will find further training courses on product design, the evaluation of industrial testing activities and the development of standard operational processes. With this training, you expand the operational field of application and at the same time promote sustainable and efficient application in the company.
MTM Visual Inspection
MTM-VI (Visual Inspection) is designed for modeling industrial inspection activities. Compared to the existing MTM process building block systems, it is characterized by a higher process resolution, which in particular includes the description of mental processes. It can be combined with any MTM process building block system.
ProKon (production-oriented construction) is an MTM-based process for the analysis and evaluation of constructive solutions with regard to their ease of assembly. It can be used for both manual and automated assembly and provides additional ergonomic design information.
MTM-OS (Office System)
MTM-OS (Office System) is designed for modeling processes in administrative areas. It promotes standardization and makes waste visible.
Customized training
With training in the company-specific process module systems BMW Group Standard Data from BMW Group AG and C-Values from Mercedes-Benz AG, MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. offers a qualification concept for both internal employees and external service providers.
Mercedes Benz
The MB planned time values are geared to the specific processes in the Mercedes-Benz Group AG plants. The ability to use the MB planned time values (C-Values) is acquired as part of the MB planned time values qualification. If you would like to take part in a C-Values training course, please contact Mr. Manfred Masch, mobile: +49 176 3090 3883, email.
BMW Group SD
The BMW Group standard data is designed for modeling processes in quantity and series production and consists of the BMW Group SD master data, BMW Group SD multiple purpose data and BMW Group SD logistics values.
Methods-Time Measurement for students
With the MTM training for students, the students acquire practice-oriented specialist knowledge during their studies, which is documented with corresponding certificates and on which they can build on in their subsequent assignment in the economy. The MTM certificates are a benefit for your CV - many companies are specifically looking for employees with MTM training. The focus of the MTM training is the active training of the application of the method in the later professional environment. We offer e-learning for MTM-1 Base and MTM-UAS to all students worldwide at discounted prices.
Methods-Time Measurement for students
The MTM qualification program for students includes the MTM-1 Base and MTM-UAS training courses. In the e-learning format, students can decide for themselves when to complete the training in self-study.
MTM for students - public webinars
This training is part of the MTM training for students. The valid enrollment certificate must be uploaded as proof. The course will only be activated after MTM has verified the certificate.